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Learning About Food Groups

Cristi Wuenschel

As an Experience Early Learning Blog Ambassador, we receive the Experience Early Learning preschool curriculum in exchange for sharing our honest and authentic stories resulting from our personal experiences. As always, our opinions on amazing things for children are 100% our own. Keep in mind that all preschoolers do things in their own time and on their own terms. What one is ready for, another might not be. Please use your best judgement when planning activities for your children.

collage of preschool food groups activities with text: Food Groups Activities for Preschoolers

This week has been so much fun! We learned about Food Groups with Experience Early Learning (formerly Mother Goose Time), which meant topics such as Grains, Vegetables, Fruits, Dairy, and Protein.

preschoolers making bread dough in bowls

Today I thought it'd be fun to share a few of our favorite activities from this week.

preschoolers kneading bread dough on plates

While learning about Grains, we baked bread, made Sandwich Art, and even put together an adorable Grain Discovery sensory bin.

child making sandwich art on table using cardstock sheets cut into shapes

On vegetable day, we made Vegetable Stamp Art and did a fun Vegetable Stand Dramatic Play activity.

preschoolers exploring grain sensory bin with pattern blocks

Vegetable Stamp Art was definitely lots of fun! The preschoolers discussed what shapes they thought the vegetables would stamp and different ways to move the vegetables to make different shapes.

preschooler using corn on the cob to make vegetable stamping art with paint

We also explored Fruits, which meant making our little letter books from Experience Early Learning for the letter Aa, practicing sorting, and even cutting and pasting fruits from grocery store ads.

preschooler coloring letter Aa book printable

Each month, we get several of these little letters books and they're perfect for practicing phonological awareness as well as fine motor skills.

plate filled with different colored fruits

The children color each of the items that begin with that letter and then cut them apart to make little books.

produce ads sorted by color on colored cardstock

We also explored sorting by color using grocery store ads. Our math activity for the day was sorting foam hearts into fruit baskets, which the children also enjoyed.

preschooler sorting colored hearts into fruit baskets

Don't forget to check back next week to see what we're up to as we continue learning about Health and Fitness in the kitchen with Experience Early Learning (formerly Mother Goose Time)!

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