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  • Cristi Wuenschel

Enjoying Nature with Bugs & Crawly Things

Updated: May 17, 2020

As an Experience Early Learning Blog Ambassador, we receive the Experience Early Learning preschool curriculum in exchange for sharing our honest and authentic stories resulting from our personal experiences. As always, our opinions on amazing things for children are 100% our own. Keep in mind that all preschoolers do things in their own time and on their own terms. What one is ready for, another might not be. Please use your best judgement when planning activities for your children.

It’s finally getting warmer here in Western Pennsylvania (last weekend we had snow and this weekend it’s 78 degrees!

collage of bug activities for preschoolers with text overlay: Exploring Nature with Bugs & Crawly Things

Several of our friends have been able to get outside and look for bugs and crawly things (our Experience Early Learning theme for the month).

child wearing ladybug headband and holding description of project in front of face

There are so many ways that we can extend the learning from home, both during this time when we are all home or even when we are learning at school.

preschooler making ladybug headband craft

I know that most of us are not driving around much these days but looking for the letters on signs and license plates is a fun way to extend the letters that they children have learning on the I Spy sheets.

V and K are not necessarily the easiest letters to find but we have a Boulevard in our neighborhood.

preschool playing Bug Bingo

We had a good time watching videos about the crawly things that we found in the Bingo game we received from Experience Early Learning (formerly Mother Goose Time).

He and I were both fascinated by the dung beetle as I really didn’t even know much about it! Even grownups learn from the curriculum!

preschool making worm art by painting on a piece of cardstock

Have some honey while learning all about honeybees. In one of our online story times, we talked about the “Bee Dance” activity and how bees tell where they can find nectar with dancing, or “waggling”.

preschooler making worm art by sprinkling dirt on cardstock

We suggested that the children try and tell their parents what they need by using actions only.

preschooler making worm art by gluing pretend worm to cardstock

Most of us can get somewhere to get into a bit of soil to see if there are any bugs or worms. Its rare to find a child who isn’t fascinated by seeing crawly things.

I have my 3 year old grandson for a few days and we had a great time looking for crawly things. We talked about their homes in soil:

hand holding an earthworm

This was a huge worm and he did NOT want to touch it! I have a big garden so I was happy to keep him in the garden.

Children love to play in the soil and my grandson had a great time gluing the paper to put down the soil and make the “Worm Trails” activity from Experience Early Learning. He certainly didn’t have any issues with touching the pretend worm though!

He decided after playing for a bit that the worm needed more soil and we ended up having a marvelous discussion about worms during play time.

So, enjoy nature and learning new things with your child!

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