As an Experience Early Learning Blog Ambassador, we receive the Experience Early Learning preschool curriculum in exchange for sharing our honest and authentic stories resulting from our personal experiences. As always, our opinions on amazing things for children are 100% our own. Keep in mind that all preschoolers do things in their own time and on their own terms. What one is ready for, another might not be. Please use your best judgement when planning activities for your children.
We're wrapping up our transportation by air and water topics with Experience Early Learning (formerly Mother Goose Time) this week and today we're learning about Tugboats.
This month's preschool theme is definitely a favorite! The children love learning all about cars, trucks, boats, and planes.
Today we answered the question, "What types of boats do you know?" We also pretended to be boats at sea and moved our bodies from side to side.
For today's Community Challenge, we learned more about tugboats and practiced pulling objects on a blanket.
There are always tons of engaging and hands-on activities included in our Experience Preschool curriculum kit.
Our art activity for the day was a letter J book. We colored pictures that began with the letter J and then put together our little book.
During center time, we counted how many were in the boat and made letter boats with our loose letter parts. Both of these activities were wonderful for practicing important early math and literacy skills.
Each day's Teacher Guide includes a STEAM activity too and today we explored pulling things around the room with paper plates and yarn.
Don't forget to check back next week as we wrap up our transportation theme and learn all about public transportation with Experience Early Learning (formerly Mother Goose Time).