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Tree Adventure Preschool Activities

Cristi Wuenschel

As an Experience Early Learning Blog Ambassador, we receive the Experience Early Learning preschool curriculum in exchange for sharing our honest and authentic stories resulting from our personal experiences. As always, our opinions on amazing things for children are 100% our own. Keep in mind that all preschoolers do things in their own time and on their own terms. What one is ready for, another might not be. Please use your best judgement when planning activities for your children.

collage of preschool tree activities with text: Tree Adventure Preschool Activities

This week, we started our EcoVenture preschool theme from Experience Early Learning (formerly Mother Goose Time).

Our topics for the week were Climbing Trees, Building with Trees, Painting Trees, Counting in Trees, and Writing with Trees.

preschooler's koala puppet paper craft

On Monday, we learned about animals that climb trees and made adorable koala puppets. These Make & Play activities are great for practicing fine motor skills as well as giving the children an opportunity for dramatic play.

preschoolers exploring nature poster with paper magnifying glasses

We also did a nature search with our monthly theme poster and magnifying glasses. This hands-on math activity meant being a detective and finding/counting animals and plants.

Tuesday meant building with trees and a fun tree shapes math and reasoning activity. We practiced matching with foam shapes and a tree poster.

children matching red foam shapes to shape outlines on tree poster

Our creative art activity for today from Experience Early Learning was making pinecone bird feeders.

On Wednesday, we played an alphabet tree game and painted trees, which meant an opportunity to make process art.

preschool using pompom to paint trees on brown cardstock

The alphabet literacy game was another matching activity, but this time we were matching letters.

children matching letters using letter cards

Thursday meant all things counting. We learned about tree age and counted twigs. The children made their own tree ring process art, decided how old they wanted their trees to be, and then made the corresponding number of rings.

child's illustrated tree story: "I have a tree house. I love my tree house. It's the best."

And last, but not least, we wrapped up our week on Friday with a lesson about writing and the children drew pictures of themselves and then we wrote tree stories together.

This activity was especially fun because we have a mixed-age group in the summer.

Don't forget to join us next week as we explore air with our EcoVenture theme from Experience Early Learning (formerly Mother Goose Time).

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